Master of Interior Architecture

Earn your Master’s Degree in only one year at the most prestigious nationally accredited design college.
Geared for the working professional, The Master of Interior Architecture is a part-time, in-class only
program that meets Monday and Thursday evenings. Class size is small and enrollment is limited.
The program is both challenging and rewarding.

Prior to acceptance, a Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design, Interior Architecture or Architecture is necessary.

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Acceptance into the Master of Interior Architecture Degree requires a portfolio review and personal interview. The Master of Interior Architecture is the highest degree offered by the Institute. The curriculum is an advanced level of learning promoting a higher standard of academia than the Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design Degree. It is consistent with the goals, objectives and mission of the college. The Master’s Degree advances research and analytical skills, independent and critical thinking and promotes the graduate’s contribution to the field of interior design. Prospective students must be proficient in AutoCAD, Photoshop and 3D CAD. The Master’s Degree is scheduled on a quarter system and takes 12-15 months to complete. Upon completion with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better and a 2.0 or better is required for each individual Master’s Level course and the student must be granted Candidacy to the MIA Degree from the Graduate Committee and the student must have fulfilled their financial obligations with idi, in order for the student to receive a MIA. All of these criteria must be met before the student receives a MIA.

  Upon successful

The Master’s Degree has a total of 45 quarter units. The clock hour conversion formula is one quarter credit hour for each ten (10) hours of classroom time plus twenty (20) hours of outside preparation or the equivalent; or for not fewer than thirty (30) hours of externship, shop instruction (contact hours) or the equivalent. Courses or course requirements may be changed at any time by Interior Designers Institute, however, the number of credit units required for graduation will be the same as stated in the catalog upon enrollment. For additional information, please refer to the college catalog, pages 41-49, and the Master’s Degree Application, Addendum, pages 8-9. Catalog and Addendum can be downloaded here.


4.5 Units

Students research, develop and analyze data and design criteria for a substantial design project of their choice involving diverse populations. Students research case studies, project types and relevant environment and behavior theory. This advanced studio requires students to integrate and synthesize the skills and knowledge gained throughout their studies to create a comprehensive project, which may include presentation drawings, models, material and furniture boards, detail drawings and specifications. This class is Part 1 in a series of three classes that is integrated with their research thesis.



This research based course lays the foundation for the thesis to be completed. In consultation with faculty, students will select an appropriate project type, determine the site to be used, write a project statement and program outline. Students will learn advanced methods of research and the appropriate methods of writing to support their research.


6.5 Units

This seminar promotes the discussion of contemporary issues in design and advanced interior design and architectural theory and criticism conducted through case studies, readings from modern commentary and research. Individuals from industry will be invited to participate in panel discussions on contemporary topics offering students opportunities for interaction with practicing professionals. Topics for discussion will also include global theories referencing concepts for improvement of not only the profession but of society on a global level. Micro trends, aging in place and sustainable environments are additional topics that will be explored. Course will include lecture, panel discussions, field trips and workshops.


4.5 Units

This course is the second in the thesis capstone project class sequence of a student generated project document. The course focuses on the further design development of the project and continuation of research and analysis for thesis texts. A portfolio/sketchbook and completed thesis document are required, as are various assignments. Students are required to create a product or merchandising concept that will be incorporated into their final capstone project.



This course is the second in a series of research methods exposing students to a variety of ways to obtain new knowledge that directly relates to their thesis. Practical research methods and writing are studied. Students’ research will be reviewed and critiqued by faculty.


6.5 Units

Last in the three part series, this course concentrates on professional practices and explores major areas related to the practice of interior design and the designer’s role in the organization and management of the firm. Legal documents and issues related to professional practice will be discussed. Individuals from the profession will be guest speakers, and there will be panel discussions from designers in the industry. Field trips to workrooms, fabricators and design resources are part of this seminar. Course will include lecture, field trips and workshops.


7.5 Units

Students finalize their capstone project. Incorporation of the capstone project into the student’s portfolio will culminate in a student exhibit of this capstone project. Opening of the exhibit will include a student verbal presentation of the capstone project, which may include multi media effects. The presentation will be followed by a reception where students, faculty and friends are invited.



The final in a series of three classes on preparation of research for the student’s final thesis project and paper. Emphasis is placed on proper formatting of the document in integrating course work for the preparation of the written thesis document and final project.