Acceptance into the Master of Interior Architecture Degree requires a portfolio review and personal interview.

The Master of Interior Architecture is the highest degree offered by the Institute. The curriculum is an advanced level of learning promoting a higher standard of academia than the Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design Degree. It is consistent with the goals, objectives and mission of the college. The Master’s Degree advances research and analytical skills, independent and critical thinking and promotes the graduate’s contribution to the field of interior design.

The Master’s Degree is scheduled on a quarter system and takes 12-15 months to complete. Upon completion with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better and a 2.0 or better is required for each individual Master’s Level course and the student must be granted Candidacy to the MIA Degree from the Graduate Committee and the student must have fulfilled their financial obligations with idi, in order for the student to receive a MIA. All of these criteria must be met before the student receives a MIA.